Friday, May 4, 2012

T-shirt fundraiser

Hello, We are doing a tshirt fundrasier to help support our adoption and to raise adoption awareness. If you are interested, follow this link and do some shopping. Blessings.
We are making progress. Our home study update has been sent to the DRC. Our representative in DRC has been to court to request a birth certificate. They need a birth certificate to apply for the initial court hearing. They are baby steps, but we are moving in the right direction.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here we go again!!!

Well, this blog has been neglected for a while now. We just wanted to announce that we have started the adoption process again. We are adopting a little girl from the Democratic Republic of Congo. We aren't sure how old she is, but she is somewhere in the 3-5 range. We are going to call her Jaylie. We are hoping to have her home before Christmas. Not much is known about Jaylie's life. She was found abandoned about 19 months ago. Please pray for the ever changing intercountry adoption process to go smoothly and quickly, and for Jaylie to be well care for until we can bring her home.