Sunday, August 29, 2010

Waiting for our Court Date

Hello Everyone,
It sounds like it takes 4 or 5 weeks to find out when our court date will be scheduled, so it is back to waiting again. The waiting seems a little easier right now. I think it's because we know who we are waiting for now. I can't seem to stop looking at our little guys picture. For some reason he seems to get a little cuter every time I look at his picture:o)

I did hear that our acceptance paperwork was all sent to Ethiopia last Thursday, so as long as we are making progress, I am happy.

God Bless

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Duane and I will travel to Africa sometime in the next 3 months for our court date and to meet our little guy in person. Then we will go back about a month later to pick him up and bring him home for good. We will be taking Ty and Ali on the 2nd trip. We have to wait for his immigration papers to go through after the court date, so that is why we have to make 2 trips. When we started this process it was only required for us to go the Africa once, but since we have been in process the rule changed and we have to go twice, so if anyone is looking for Christmas ideas for Ty and Ali, airline tickets would be great:o) If anybody has any spare prayer time, please pray that we can get him home by Christmas.

We are so excited and happy that this little guy is joining our family. Several people have asked if there is anything that they can do to help or if there is anything that we need. When we go over they ask that we bring a donation for the orphanage. I would like to take as many childrens chewable vitamins as I can fit in a suit case, so if anyone would like to contribute a bottle or two to the orphanage let me know and I will get them over there. There are about 75 kids in the orphanage with our little guy, so I hope to collect about 30 bottles so they have a months worth.

We also got an update today that said on our first trip, we can't take anything specifically to our child. We will meet our child in a group setting, and he won't specifically be told that we are his new parents. It sounds like it has been hard for some of the kids when they are introduced to their new parents, then their parents have to leave them in the orphanage for a month while they wait for the immigration stuff to go through. It has to be really hard for those little guys to understand. It will be hard for us to, but at least we can understand the process.

Thanks to you all for all of the support and prayer. We just feel so blessed and excited about this whole adventure.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Exciting news

Sorry I didn't post sooner, but I have been busy working on adoption paperwork because on Friday, August 20th, we got a referral!!!!! It's a boy. I know that we have thought all along that it would be a girl, but we were wrong. We have a four year old boy joining our family. He is super cute and really needs a family. I am absolutely positive that he is the child that is meant to be in our family. The night before we got the referral I prayed for God to hurry the process up for us. I know it was a little selfish, but I know that I am not good at waiting for things, so I asked God to hurry and get the child that we were meant to have ready for us. It usually takes 4-8 months from the time a dossier goes to Ethiopia to get a referral and ours had only been there 3 weeks, so I definitely wasn't expecting a call the next morning, but that is what happened. We will be traveling for court sometime in the next 3 months. After the court date, we will be able to go back and pick him up to bring home in 3 or 4 weeks. We are very hopeful that we will have him home before Christmas. We are soooooo happy!!! Oh and another weird thing is that his birthday is the same day as Ty's.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hello All,
Duane and I attended mandatory adoption training today in Douglas. The training was really good. They wanted to make sure everybody understood the difference between parenting bio kids and parenting adopted kids. Also they talked a lot about the bonding and attaching process. They made it very clear that it wasn't like bringing a biological baby home. There are not to be any parties, or going shopping, or many visitors for the first few weeks until the child adjusts to their new setting and they know who Mom and Dad are. I hope I don't go to stir crazy during that time. I imagine we will try to keep everything really peaceful during that time.

The other issue will be sleep schedules. I believe that Ethiopian time is about 12 hours later than mountain time. It might take a while for all of our schedules to sync.

Despite the heavy topics at training today, we are still very excited. We can't wait to see what child God has picked out for us.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hello All,
Friday was a big day. It is our official DTE, or dossier to Ethiopia day. This means that we are finally done with paperwork and getting things approved. We are "officially waiting" for a child now. The next step is to get a referral for a child. This can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a year. Yay, we are on to another phase of waiting!! Pray for the wait to be short.