Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today was the day :o)

Well, today was the day it finally happened. Dru has been a little reserved with me as far as giving affection or spontaneous hugs or kisses. In the last week he has started feeling more comfortable with me and now will lean on me when we are talking, or hold my hand for no reason. Well, today he just walked up to me and said out of the blue "I lub you mama." Those are some of the nicest words I have ever heard.

Dru and I have started kindergarten 2 days a week. Dru loves it. He thought that he needed to wear a uniform to school like they do in Ethiopia,so he wore the same orange shirt everytime we went for the first 3 weeks. He broke out of his shell yesterday and wore a red shirt with an orange shirt underneath. The kids at school are all so funny. We have him at a country school and there are only 41 kids total in grades k-6. They are just letting Dru think that he is the king. They let him run touchdowns to the end zone. In PE nobody gets mad when he tackle them instead of just taging them. They better stop letting him get away with stuff or he is going to turn into a monster.

Dru is really starting to pick up some English. All of the kids at school don't think so though. Dru and I were in the mud room at school with a little boy named Tristan. Dru kept trying to hand me a paper and I wasn't really paying attention. Finally Dru yelled "Mama, This!!!" and I took the paper from him. Tristan looked at me and asked, "What does mamathis mean?" I had to try really hard not to laugh at him.


  1. Congratulations - It is such an awesome moment!!!

  2. AHHHHH!!!! This makes me smile. So happy to hear things are going well!

  3. Oh my gosh! How cute! Congratulations!
