Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Health Status

I have had a few people ask about the health status of our future child. A legitimate question considering the horrible AIDS epidemic going on in Africa right now. We are able to tell our adoption agency what kind of health problems or developmental problems we are willing to take on. We are willing to take a child with minor correctable health or developmental problems. All of the children are tested for HIV and Hepatitis before they are referred to a family. We won't take a child who is positive for either, so our agency won't refer a child to us with either of those conditions. Most of the children will suffer some problems from malnutrition. Most of those problems can be overcome with time. Some of the children may not grow as tall as they were meant to, or may be anemic. There is a chance of institutional delays and some cultural delays. For instance, in some cultures kids don't walk as early as American children because they "wear" their babies a lot of the time in slings, so the kids aren't on the floor as often to develop that skill. We are sure that God will give us the child that is suppose to be with us and we will be able to handle whatever that entails. Have a good day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday evening, Karen, Gram, and I went to Village Inn for dinner and a family came in with a 1-2 year old African baby. He had the most beautiful chubby face with curly hair and huge brown eyes. We all thought of your family and are so excited for your journey!! Especially if that's what you'll be getting!! But it just is an absolutely wonderful thing for your family to be able to do. God Bless.
